Yellow Flower
Yellow Flower

Let's celebrate together our diverse culture!

Lakeside, concerts, community!

Come and party with your friends and family to the songs of your favorite bands on the shores of Lake Venice!

Discover the talents!

We give space to talent! In addition to well-known world music formations, emerging folk music ensembles and organizations helping disadvantaged children will present themselves at our festival.

A folk workfood and gastronomy fair

At SZÉF-Pláz, you can buy our valuable folk art products for your family members and friends! On the Strand, you can taste the flavors of the deservedly famous Hungarian cuisine, or you can listen to the music of the festival performers while enjoying a refreshing drink!

SZÉF Talent researcher prHegram

For the third time, we are organizing the SZÉF Talent Search program, the purpose of which is to discover the country's most talented singers! The productions are evaluated by a three-member professional jury, and the winners of the categories can own them for one year
the SZÉF-Vándorkorsót, and they can participate in the SZÉF Talent Nurturing Mentor Program!

Be a part of it!

As a volunteer

If you would actively participate in August 9-11. in the organization and management of the SZÉF Festival, which will be held between

Application deadline: May 15.

As a local producer and craftsman

The SZÉF Association will also organize the folk art and producers' fair at the SZÉF Festival in 2024!

If you feel that you would like to present and sell your folk art objects or homemade products, we look forward to your application!

Application deadline: May 15.

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2 months ago
It was good with you, SZÉF residents! 😍

Thank you very much for being with us this year and celebrating our diverse culture together in Venice! 🥳

We owe special thanks to our volunteers and all members of the Staff for their tireless and persistent work over the past months!

🫶Thank you to our sponsors for contributing to the realization of the event again this year:
- MOL-New Europe Foundation
- MUS-E Hungary Association
- Pölöske Szörp
- New Palini Meat
- Attila Horváth is an individual entrepreneur
- Gubinecz-Fa Kft.
- Venice City Municipality

🩵 And thanks to our cooperating partners for conjuring unforgettable days on the shores of Lake Venice with their programs and services this year:
- to the Álmodozo Büfe for the unforgettable staff lunches
- to Pulston Kft. for the excellent sound and lighting technology
- to the Dragon Boat Base and the Ponton Club for the sports programs
- to the M-Art Association, the Velencei-Tó Workshop, and the Pipacs Porta Community Square for the crafts
- to Fókusz Sociális Szolgálat for family games
- To Dávid Takács Photography for the eye-catching photos
- and to all performers and contributors for your colorful program!

Let's meet again in 2025, we will come with the details soon! Have a nice summer, have a good rest! 🤩
... Olvass továbbMutass kevesebbet
Jó volt Veletek, SZÉF-Lakók! 😍Hálásan köszönjük, hogy az idei évben is velünk voltatok és együtt ünnepelhettük sokszínű kultúránkat Velencén! 🥳Külön köszönettel tartozunk önkénteseinknek, valamint a Stáb valamennyi tagjának az elmúlt hónapok fáradhatatlan, kitartó munkájáért! 🫶Köszönjük szponzorainknak, hogy idén is hozzájárultak a rendezvény megvalósulásához: - MOL-Új Európa Alapítvány - MUS-E Magyarország Egyesület- Pölöskei Szörp- Új Palini Hús- Horváth Attila egyéni vállalkozó - Gubinecz-Fa Kft. - Velence Város Önkormányzata 🩵 És köszönet együttműködő partnereinknek, hogy programjaikkal, szolgáltatásaikkal idén is felejthetetlen napokat varázsoltak a Velencei-tó partján: - az Álmodozó Büfének a felejthetetlen stábebédekért- a Pulston Kft.-nek a kitűnő hang,- és fenytechnikáért- a Sárkányhajó Bázisnak és a Ponton Klubnak a sportprogramokért- a M-Art Egyesületnek, a Velencei-Tó Műhelynek, valamint a Pipacs Porta Közösségi Térnek a kézműves foglalkozásokért- a Fókusz Szociális Szolgálatnak a családi játékokért- Takács Dávid Photographynak a szemet gyönyörködtető fotókért- és minden fellépőnek, közreműködőnek a színes programkavalkádért! Találkozzunk 2025-ben is, hamarosan érkezünk a részletekkel! Szép nyarat, jó pihenést Nektek! 🤩
2 months ago
This is how our third day at the SZÉF Festival went!

Thank you for being with us, see you in 2025! 🤩

📷: David Takacs Photography
... Olvass továbbMutass kevesebbet
2 months ago
Our second day at the SZÉF Festival was also busy! 🤩

We are waiting for you today in Venencefürdő, on Béke Strand! 🌞

📷: David Takacs Photography
... Olvass továbbMutass kevesebbet
2 months ago
On the sidelines of Friday... ☀️🎶 ... Olvass továbbMutass kevesebbet
2 months ago
The first afternoon in pictures! 🥳

We are waiting for you today at Béke Strand!

📷: David Takacs Photography
... Olvass továbbMutass kevesebbet